Danny Magnus

May 2019 was supposed to be the start of a positive future for Danny by taking the decision to have the AVM in his brain removed. Removing the AVM would have removed the 70% risk of rupture leading to a stroke during his lifetime. However, during surgery, the AVM haemorrhaged, and Danny was left with major deficits.  Two weeks in an induced coma in intensive care followed the surgery, and at 35 years of age, Danny’s life changed dramatically.


Supported by his Fiancée, Clementine, Danny is currently in recovery and rehabilitation at Homerton University Hospital. Prior to the surgery, Danny was very active, often cycling 80 miles per day and was in good physical health. Danny’s desire to recover has led him to A Stroke of Luck to seek support.


Danny’s background is not one blessed with riches and he is now at a critical juncture in his life. His recovery to date has been positive and he has even walked over 5km in a recent visit back to his neighbourhood where is home is. A home which is on an Assured Tenancy through a Housing Association. However, this home appears to now be at risk as his medical team have presented Danny with residential step-down care to continue his rehabilitation when he is discharged from hospital in February 2020.


One of A Stroke of Luck’s mantras is the A-Team. This phenomenon is critical in a survivor’s recovery. Having a support network around a survivor only serves to improve their recovery journey. Whether it is emotional, practical, medical, or financial support, we believe a survivor’s A-Team is a crucial element.


Clementine, Danny’s Partner is concerned about the immediate future for Danny:


“Danny has progressed well since May 2019 when this nightmare started. He is very positive, but I am really concerned that the residential step-down care is not the right option for him. I know Danny, and I know how determined he is to get better. I have seen the dramatic improvements he has made. I really don’t think residential step-down is the best option for him. Danny worked hard to get his home, and after living there for 8 years, the fear of losing his home is causing him extreme anxiety. I am confident that Danny would have a better chance of a fuller recovery when he is discharged from hospital by moving back to a place which is familiar, surrounded by people he knows. Having Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy in his home would be so much better for him then in an environment which is unfamiliar, especially after spending 7-months so far in an unfamiliar environment.


“Should Danny move to the residential step-down, I won’t be able to support him as I will not be living with him and that will be another huge challenge that Danny has to face. Surely, this is not in Danny’s best interests?


“I want what is best for Danny and I will fight day and night to get the outcome that Danny wants.”


Danny believes his cognitive function is progressing well and is positive about his future should he be able to move home:


“My family, friends, and partner who best know me believe I have returned to quite an unchanged state of cognitive functioning. Whilst I have some physical challenges, I am certain these will reduce through my recovery journey providing I have the right intervention at the right time.


“I have spent hours and hours outside the ward in the community and everyone around me is really impressed with how I am able to interact. I am concerned that my cognitive assessments were a number of weeks ago and are not based on how I am in the here and now. I know I will thrive when I am back at home and able to focus fully on my recovery without the added anxiety and pressure of losing my home.


“Craig from A Stroke of Luck called me recently and I am really excited about the work his charity is doing. I want to be involved in the charity and I can start off by becoming an Ambassador and being an advocate of their aims and objectives. I would really like to engage with a fitness professional when I am discharged from hospital who can help me with my rehabilitation through exercise.”


A Stroke of Luck is committed to supporting survivors in life after stroke. Whilst the charity is unable to directly support Danny with the housing challenges he is facing, we are able to create awareness around his situation.


Clementine has also been impressed with the speed A Stroke of Luck has reacted to the situation Danny finds himself in:


“A Stroke of Luck replied to an email I sent within a matter of hours. Being a charity established by a stroke survivor, I really feel they have a true understanding of the stressful situation Danny and I find ourselves in. Our world has been turned upside down and we are trying to navigate through some real challenges and having the support of A Stroke of Luck is so helpful.”


Individuals interested in supporting A Stroke of Luck can do so by donating on the charity’s website: www.astrokeofluck.co.uk